Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10
My "me time" comes into play when I get to shower AND shave my legs in one shot. The more I give of myself, the less I think about ME, the more satisfied I am. And no, that's not just me... that's how it works. I spent several years of my life focused on me... I was not a good enough mommy or wife. I was never thin enough or pretty enough. I was so unhappy with myself that it started to spill out of me. However, now, busier than ever, I know who I am in Christ (chosen, forgiven, redeemed, hopeful, strong, a masterpiece). Do I have moments of feeling overwhelmed?!? HECK-TO -THE-YES! But that is where my resources come in: an incredibly (hot and) supportive husband, forgiving children, wonderful friends, an encouraging church family and ... Gods word to remind me who I am in Him, what He has called me to do, and that He's got my back every step of the way. No wait, let me reword that- He does not just have my back... some days he has to pretty much drag me and pick me up and carry me through my day- but that's just it... He does. I am being faithful in what He has called each on of us to do and He is faithful in sustaining me.
5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit;apart from me you can do nothing. 6 If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. 7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 8 This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. John 15:5-8
While being over our legal limit of the number of children under 4 that we have in our home, we were called about taking in a toddler sibling set that was heading to the shelter. The state is so desperate for homes for these children! Take a second and just think about how you, in any way, open your home, even if its to just 1 child. Yeah, its inconvenient on some days that I cant just run into the store and grab some milk or that we are the traveling circus while in public... but why, in any manner, should the "quality" of my life matter any more than the lives of all these little ones who have to go to shelters because we wont step up and just let 1 sleep in our home? Or the little ones who have nightmares because they were separated from their parents, then their siblings and had witnessed such violence in their home that they cant even show on the evening news?! I can honestly say that "christians" have really lost focused... we spend our days focused on what our kids are wearing, what our pant size is, what church we attend based off how it makes us feel, how we appear to others... and not even 5 minutes of our time thinking about the fact that children are being burned, molested, starved, abandoned. So, when people ask me "are you crazy? why would you take on more kids!?" I smile, I hold my tongue. But, here is my chance to respond- how can I not? If more people aren't going to step up and help, then I guess its just going to remain a bigger task on the minority that actually will. Yeah, I get heated on the topic... I just see a serious problem with simple answer.
Well, to wrap it all up {breathing deep, stepping off soap box} I would like to add in that the precious little twins that we have been blessed to care for for the past 4 months have been packed up and brought to a foster (hopefully adoptive) home with their older siblings. I have an awesome friend, with a huge heart that has adopted several children and is hoping to keep these siblings all together in the long run. So, big picture it is a great thing... but, it was also an emotional one. This is where I get to practice what I preach and remember that- I am not doing this for me. The few tears I shed can never come close to compare to the tears that foster kids shed in the trauma they endure. So, my hat goes off to Rod and Amy and the wonderful thing she is doing in taking them. And tomorrow brings a new adventure for the Dahlman Circus.... A trip to a Phoenix shelter to pick up a sibling set (a 1 year old girl and a 2 year old boy). The things that they have been through break my heart! Please pray for them, this transition, and our family.
Take a moment to say, "God, here I am, use me!" But only if you mean it, because He will!
Love this post and you! Fantastic. I've been pretty frustrated with our local organization. I've been trying to get in contact with them since the fall about fostering and we were told we missed the fall class by a week. (They only run 2 a year) I have since been trying to get info on the spring one and haven't been able to get in contact with anyone. Sounds, nuts right? It makes me so angry because we just want to HELP!! This post reminds me that it isn't about me and my timing, but all in God's timing...
ReplyDeleteYour posts are heart wrenching and yet soooooooo beautiful. I am soooooooooooooooo proud of you and the work that you, and your family, are doing. I am praying for you and know that this is just the beginning of "getting on your soap box". So sing it loud and sing it clear. God has given you a message, a heart, and a passion. Don't let it be like "fire...shut up in your bones". Continue to let it out!!! <3 <3