Well, we (as in just my family of 6) took a long weekend and enjoyed some family time, beaches in California, and the simple joys of road trippin'! It was a wonderful time of fun and memories! We definitely favored Pacific Beach and Sea Port Village- although all the rocks, gorgeous cliffs, and getting to see all the seals on the beach at La Jolla was pretty awesome. My girls had been doing extra chores around the house in the months leading up to our trip and were very proud to purchase themselves some souvenirs! We had a chance to see crabs on the beach and even catch a hermit crap. The kids enjoyed eating lobster, as well as the big bibs that we all had to wear while doing so (which the boys then wore down the boardwalk, backwards, as super hero capes!) We look forward to another trip, however, this time with our faster babies in tow because we all missed them terribly! As awesome as our vacation was, Chris and I spent a lot of time focusing on our goals as a couple and how to make them happen. We are focused on taking in little ones and making a difference in their lives, our goals are centered around that. Life is never more rewarding than when you loose yourself in service to others!

And... "real life" kicked in faster than anticipated! We got a couple calls from our agency while away... the system was being overwhelmed with children needing homes. We were asked to take on an 11 month old boy about 10 minutes before even pulling into our driveway! I did my best to get all our little ones unloaded, bathed and fed, car unpacked, and laundry started before they brought him to us. People think I am crazy when I take on more little ones, truth is... I think its even crazier that most can go about their comfortable, everyday life, without even a thought to the fact that there are 14,000 kids in the AZ system alone! Thinking that the little ones being removed from their homes- hungry, no clothes, scared, abused, filthy, neglected- are someone else's problem. Going day to day consumed with themselves, their clothing, their next home project, and nothing beyond the 4 walls of their own home. Don't get me wrong... caring for your family is a wonderful thing! But why does it stop there?! We are called, chosen, and sent to be the hands, feet, and heart of Christ. It is not always an easy transition to take on little ones but the heart it has given my children for the little ones we take in, the difference we are making, the example we are setting and the love we are sharing makes it beyond worth it! This little guy that came to us last night one of 4 siblings of a homeless, substance abusing, pregnant mother. He was scared, hungry and exhausted--- came into the system naked and dirty--- and into our home with a mere 5 diapers (which the state worker had grabbed for him) and nothing else. He is one of THOUSANDS in care right now needing just ONE person to step up... opening their arms, heart, and home. What are YOU going to do to help!?!?