A few days before Christmas I received a call from a friend regarding twins being born that we had decided we would foster. However, the big ol' problem was... we were not even licensed yet to do so. Well, I hung up with her and immediately contacted our awesome licensing worker, Carrie, to update her on the news and to see where we were at in the whole process. I told her, "I know that this is all in Gods hands because we have done all we can on our parts and all we can do is sit and wait for papers to process and be approved." Her response is what blew my mind! She said, "well, funny you should call because I was out the other day and when I got in this morning and checked my email I see that your license was approved yesterday! There are families in front of you waiting and yours cleared!?" And this is where I got goose bumps and could simply laugh! Really God?! Talk about timing! We had no control over our license nor did we have control when those babies would arrive. But, God did and in giving it to Him, He rocked it! And, let me throw in there that my 9 year old that really struggles with anxiety (which breaks my heart) is also baby OBCESSED! She has been so excited about these little ones coming into our home that she is less anxious and more of her old fun loving self! Babies are like medicine to her little heart! So, this week we will be taking on twins, and expanding both our family... and our vehicle! All though driving a 12 passenger van is far from a dream... loving on babies that need it and showing them and my children the unconditional love that Christ has shown me, for sure is!!! So here's to the 6 kids (half of them being under 3), passenger van and many sleepless nights that are awaiting me in the week ahead! If God has proven Himself awesome just in the past week alone... who am I to doubt the incredible plan he has for my family and I!?
"She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy" Proverbs 31:20
Saturday, December 29, 2012
God is blowing me away!
Well, I have not posted anything in a while, but the funny thing is that my last actual post was on "giving it to God" and that just why I have not had time to blog... He is answering prayers and moving faster than I can keep up! I had decided to give to God the timing of our foster care relicensing , the health and birth of twins in phoenix that I had become aware of, and my daughters anxiety. Well... all I can say is, when God moves in such a way that it just leaves you speechless, it really can make you feel like a fool for all the hours you spend stressing and worrying about it! Guilty! Anyway, lets get at trying to relay the short version of a long story.
A few days before Christmas I received a call from a friend regarding twins being born that we had decided we would foster. However, the big ol' problem was... we were not even licensed yet to do so. Well, I hung up with her and immediately contacted our awesome licensing worker, Carrie, to update her on the news and to see where we were at in the whole process. I told her, "I know that this is all in Gods hands because we have done all we can on our parts and all we can do is sit and wait for papers to process and be approved." Her response is what blew my mind! She said, "well, funny you should call because I was out the other day and when I got in this morning and checked my email I see that your license was approved yesterday! There are families in front of you waiting and yours cleared!?" And this is where I got goose bumps and could simply laugh! Really God?! Talk about timing! We had no control over our license nor did we have control when those babies would arrive. But, God did and in giving it to Him, He rocked it! And, let me throw in there that my 9 year old that really struggles with anxiety (which breaks my heart) is also baby OBCESSED! She has been so excited about these little ones coming into our home that she is less anxious and more of her old fun loving self! Babies are like medicine to her little heart! So, this week we will be taking on twins, and expanding both our family... and our vehicle! All though driving a 12 passenger van is far from a dream... loving on babies that need it and showing them and my children the unconditional love that Christ has shown me, for sure is!!! So here's to the 6 kids (half of them being under 3), passenger van and many sleepless nights that are awaiting me in the week ahead! If God has proven Himself awesome just in the past week alone... who am I to doubt the incredible plan he has for my family and I!?

A few days before Christmas I received a call from a friend regarding twins being born that we had decided we would foster. However, the big ol' problem was... we were not even licensed yet to do so. Well, I hung up with her and immediately contacted our awesome licensing worker, Carrie, to update her on the news and to see where we were at in the whole process. I told her, "I know that this is all in Gods hands because we have done all we can on our parts and all we can do is sit and wait for papers to process and be approved." Her response is what blew my mind! She said, "well, funny you should call because I was out the other day and when I got in this morning and checked my email I see that your license was approved yesterday! There are families in front of you waiting and yours cleared!?" And this is where I got goose bumps and could simply laugh! Really God?! Talk about timing! We had no control over our license nor did we have control when those babies would arrive. But, God did and in giving it to Him, He rocked it! And, let me throw in there that my 9 year old that really struggles with anxiety (which breaks my heart) is also baby OBCESSED! She has been so excited about these little ones coming into our home that she is less anxious and more of her old fun loving self! Babies are like medicine to her little heart! So, this week we will be taking on twins, and expanding both our family... and our vehicle! All though driving a 12 passenger van is far from a dream... loving on babies that need it and showing them and my children the unconditional love that Christ has shown me, for sure is!!! So here's to the 6 kids (half of them being under 3), passenger van and many sleepless nights that are awaiting me in the week ahead! If God has proven Himself awesome just in the past week alone... who am I to doubt the incredible plan he has for my family and I!?
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Project 6.8
PROJECT 6.8 is worth checking out... and getting involved with! Check them out...
Project 6.8 is a movement in Arizona focused on engaging the local Church in domestic foster care and adoption. Specifically, p68.org is aimed at providing a tangible resource & connection point for this movement, one we believe is very close to the heart of God. We hope this site provides you with helpful information about getting involved in foster care and adoption, upcoming partner gatherings, and much more!
Partner Gatherings Partner Gatherings are fun evenings with food, music and hanging out for prospective and current foster/adoptive families in Arizona. We hold these quarterly and provide FREE childcare.
Mentor a teen aging out of foster care
Each year in Arizona 500+ teens "age out" with no support system as they were never adopted into a family. Less than 5% of these teens graduate from college and a significant number end up homeless, poor or in the criminal justice system.
These teens are full of potential and often just need a caring adult to encourage them and give them practical advice.
No special qualifications needed. Become a Community Advisor through AASK today!
Each year in Arizona 500+ teens "age out" with no support system as they were never adopted into a family. Less than 5% of these teens graduate from college and a significant number end up homeless, poor or in the criminal justice system.
These teens are full of potential and often just need a caring adult to encourage them and give them practical advice.
No special qualifications needed. Become a Community Advisor through AASK today!
Adopt a foster family Monthly calls, notes of encouragement, babysitting, meals, etc.
Join our Facebook Group
Go to facebook.com and search under groups for "Project 6.8"
Go to facebook.com and search under groups for "Project 6.8"
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
My Precious Girls
AivahLis and Talia...
I need you to know how cherished you are, what being beautiful really is.
I need you to know that God is your strength and wants you to remain, all his.
The hurts will come and the world will be there
to tell you, you don't have what it takes
True beauty lies in faith
that God sees you, priceless,
even in your mistakes.
You are beautiful, inside and out
Through your kindness and your love
You're more cherished then you'll ever know, even when push come to shove
Forgiveness and love can be hard
to be received and to be given.
But it is when you can do both
that you are truly living.
You are you, there's no mold to fit.
Stand tall, be strong, and know...
with an unconditional, servant heart
Your beauty continues to grow!
I need you to know that people make choices that may really hurt you,
Don't let that pain to go too deep,
causing you to hurt others too.
Always know you have so much to offer, take the time to share.
Those around you are in need of something, a smile, a hug, a prayer.
Use your hands to bless, your feet to go, your words to heal not harm
Know that no matter where you go, or who you face, gods holding you in his arms!
You are beautiful, inside and out
Through your kindness and your love
You're more cherished then you'll ever know, even when push come to shove
Forgiveness and love can be hard
to be received and to be given.
But it is when you can do both
that you are truly living.
You are you, there's no mold to fit.
Stand tall, be strong, and know...
with an unconditional, servant heart
Your beauty continues to grow!
Jeremiah 29:11
"11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
This verse has been on repeat in my head since Sunday, after hearing it in church. I believe that God has amazing plans for myself, and my family. However, I struggle so bad with having patience in His timing. I have friends struggling and in my mind they should have been healed months ago. I have a daughter with anxiety and I have given that to God, over and over again. But, on the other hand, if everything came together as we saw fit, when we saw fit... where would FAITH come in to play?! Why would we need to rely on God?!
Today, I decided that, despite how I feel, things should pan out... I will let go of the reins and let God take care of my loved ones, my heart, my mind, and whatever lies ahead for my family. After all, who better to trust than the one who has plans to give me hope and a future!? One who already knows what lies ahead for me?!
Well, that being said, I will share some things on my mind that I am giving to God. For starters, I received notice from my case manager that our foster care license has been submitted to the state. As soon as it is officially processed we can being to take in children! So, the timing of all that... it's Gods now, not mine! Also, I have been struggling with feeling "lonely" the past couple weeks. I know that God has brought me to a place to be reliant upon him. Its just some days, with Him not physically by my side, that it becomes the hardest. But, again, that is where faith comes in to play... He knows the plans he has for me. Besides, in a few weeks when our family grows and I begin to do some college courses... I will probably be praying to feel a little bit "lonely"! ;-) Another thing I am giving to God is a woman, in Phoenix... she has been living as a prostitute and crack addict for many years. She is currently carrying twins and is due this month. Not only does my heart break for those babies and their health, but also for this mama. There was a long road of pain and self worthlessness that led her to where she is at! I give, to God, those babies and their mother... He has healing, a plan and a purpose for all three of them! And, last but not least, I have been praying for some friends that have been weighing heavy on my heart. When a person means so much to you it is easy to want to have those "magic words" for them or to want to just step up, play God, and "fix" it all for them. But... today, they too are in Gods hands. If I had the ability to patch up the pieces they need help with, I would, but I would also be robbing them of the work God is doing in their life and the lesson that they will have learned when all is said and done. In giving them to God, I know He "knows the plans He has for them" and that they far exceed anything I could conjure up for them.
So, along with me, take some time and give, to God, whatever it is that is weighing you down today. What can it hurt to let Him have a go at it?! If nothing less, now its His and you can just sit back and see what He can do with it!
This verse has been on repeat in my head since Sunday, after hearing it in church. I believe that God has amazing plans for myself, and my family. However, I struggle so bad with having patience in His timing. I have friends struggling and in my mind they should have been healed months ago. I have a daughter with anxiety and I have given that to God, over and over again. But, on the other hand, if everything came together as we saw fit, when we saw fit... where would FAITH come in to play?! Why would we need to rely on God?!
Today, I decided that, despite how I feel, things should pan out... I will let go of the reins and let God take care of my loved ones, my heart, my mind, and whatever lies ahead for my family. After all, who better to trust than the one who has plans to give me hope and a future!? One who already knows what lies ahead for me?!
So, along with me, take some time and give, to God, whatever it is that is weighing you down today. What can it hurt to let Him have a go at it?! If nothing less, now its His and you can just sit back and see what He can do with it!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Pastors unite to get foster kids adopted
Pastors unite to get foster kids adopted: This Bible verse speaks of children and inspired a Colorado pastor to start a campaign that has changed the lives of hundreds of families.
Monday, December 3, 2012
“Orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they’re not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes.” -David Platt
Just think, if you stepped up for just one child?
And, through that, you inspired 1 other person to step up. Imagine the difference you could make!
Our lives are too busy focusing on ourselves,
and what works for us.
But, imagine making a difference in the life of just one
"lost cause", despite the inconviences.
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